
19th SBMO – Brazilian Symposium of Microwave and Optoelectronics and the 14th CBMag – Brazilian Congress of Electromagnetism


 After August 30, 2020


Undergraduate Student Subscription: Includes the submission/publication of one graduation paper and the participation in MOMAG2020. The first author must prove the student bond through the Registration Declaration in his/her course.

Graduated Student Subscription: Includes only the participation in MOMAG2020. The student must prove the student bond through the Registration Declaration in his/her Post-graduation Program.

Profissional Subscription: Includes the publication of 02 regular papers and the participation in MOMAG2020.

Additional papers will be charged in R$ 265,00, for each additional paper submitted.


© MOMAG 2020 – 19º SBMO e 14º CBMag